Infamous 2

Infamous 2

[Bullet]] The main source of inspiration sticks out from Infamous in each scene like this: in another place and time the name of the hero would probably not be a macgrat, but Maclaud.

Games and comics are the same indispensable attributes of the Gikov world as collecting plastic figures and watching the series “Theory of Big Bang”. They are separated by the finest partition. Some publishers and developers even show their projects in San Diego and make inconspicuous announcements: last year, for example, they announced the development of Street Fighter X Tekken.

It would seem that it can be more natural and more interesting than a video game about the hero of comics? Here are inhuman power, and colorful villains, and gadgets, and dude costumes. However, due to some kind of cosmic injustice of games that could more or less accurately simulate the life of the superhero (let's agree that the conversation about comics will go in this context, leaving all the manga and bloody graphic dramas of Ennis aside), in all this time We really did not have. There were and there are wagons of licensed semi -finished products and a couple of really cool things that nevertheless did not change the common landscape – the Incredible Hulk and Crackdown were not enough alone.

That you are not my bastard

And a couple of years ago an unexpected revival happened: four superhero games came out at once during the year. Of them Batman: Arkham asylum It stood apart-it was a rather chamber game in which the nominal open world was not very open. But the remaining three possessed a number of common signs – a rampant Sendbox, a big city, non -linear pumping. One of them, of course, was infamous , And only in it all the necessary elements were mixed in the only correct proportions and served in a high glass with a bright umbrella. What Prototype , what a year later Crackdown 2 sounded fake notes, everything in them was some kind of toy. Cardboard cities, stupid residents, crippled plot and supercli at the level of the stage akopyan stage Akopyan are not that non-rescue, but not very similar to the possibilities of real super-men.

[Bullet]] So that the dear and glorious main character does not accidentally injure passers -by, with the first level of positive karma, the ability appears, thanks to which the attacks do not inflate passers -by almost no damage.

A completely different thing is infamous. In this game, the Battery man Cole McGrath put things in order in the city, which was destroyed not without his participation: Cole worked as a courier and once discovered an unknown device among the parcels, which was very inappropriately activated. The explosion that occurred as a result was reduced several quarters with the ground, and in return gave Cole the ability to throw lightning and reinforce health, recharging from street lamps. The hero rushed through the wires and punished bandits with discharges, and the gamepad at that moment was convulsively buzzing, passing the player a tactile sensation from every ampere passing through the body of an electric hem. This alone set the desired tone – only in Infamous could you physically feel the frantic energy bubbling alter ego in the chest.

Everything was accompanied by a suitable animation: sucking the electricity from the battery of the car passing by, Cole screeching his hands, soaring over the city, controlling the body with light movements of the unkindly glowing forearm, and forced to spark any puddle on which he accidentally ran through. His adventures were furnished in a delightful poser manner. Animated comics videos, deliberately exaggerated moral dilemmas, villains in long-legged cloaks, giant monsters collected from a bunch of garbage. Everything that in other games would have gone for fatal shortcomings, in Infamous worked for stylistics. It was like playing this game that was some particularly cool release of “Spider-Man” (for nothing that not a single licensed product for adventures. Parker did not deliver a hundredth share of pleasure), and this is what highlighted her background of competitors. The last argument was parkour, made at the level of the then versions Assassin’s Creed.

At the same time, Infamous had problems that had to figure out the sequel: there was no normal physics, secondary tasks quickly began to repeat themselves, and the inhabitants behaved more naturally than in similar games, but still could not compare with any comparison with inhabitants of exemplary liberty City.

And I'm not your Andreyka

Let's say right: none of these controversial moments Infamous 2 permits. Moreover, the first third of the game is the second part as two drops of water similar to the first. Only the scene of action was replaced. Empire City is destroyed by a monstrous beast, a fiery angry version of Dr. Manhattan from the "Guardians". Cole arrives at New-Marlean copied from New Orleans, but after it moves forward, sweeping away everything in its path, the beast unfinished in the first part. It seems to be not noticed by McGrath – jumps on the roofs of houses, fights with the local fascist grouping of Rednecs, captures areas, performs exploits, or, conversely, finely dirty. Your behavior, as before, affects a set of abilities and secondary missions. The two most noticeable innovations in this part of the game are marsh monkeys similar to the human man, and a huge double-toothed fork, with the help of which Cole is dealing with them. A new hand -to -hand combat system appeared in the game, with combo and finishing. Otherwise-more or less in the old way.

[[Bullet]] NIKS – Typical Offended World inhabitant of Swamps. Of the authorities, only Cole recognizes and more than anything loves to burn people in uniform and/or with weapons.

But everything changes to the second third of the game: at this point, Cole was accompanied by two exotic superfluids with rare talents and a very different idea of ​​morality. At some point, the hero will be able to combine the abilities with one of them, and from that moment the game opens the second bottom. Say, having chosen the cold moralist of the COO, Cole will learn to freeze opponents in place, and the sultry black woman NIX will make it possible to drown everything around the sea of ​​fire.

What does our love have

New opportunities open a non -burst field for experiments. Together with them, all other changes gain meaning, although until recently they seemed to be small editing. New side missions include the boarding of gangs of gangs, neutralizing bombs, attacks on postal pigeons and mass showdowns between warring fractions. Keep in mind: to famously push off the ice column, falling on a crowd of enemies from the sky and sweeping away all with an electric whirlwind is not at all the same as throwing everyone with lightning in the first part. There are truly many abilities, each basic super-sized from the first part has up to five variations. They can and should be combined-for this there is a special context menu in which Velcro grenades can always be replaced with explosive. A separate item is the techniques of increased slaughter, for their activation you need to knock out special purple clots from enemies. The general set of abilities depends on karma and your elections during the game. But over time, Cole in one way or another will learn how to raise objects by telekinesis and fly around the city, clinging to the ledges of a huge force whip, almost like in Bulletstorm.

[[Bullet]] Cole-hero and Cola-Milficature have a different set of tattoos, the color of clothing and the condition of the skin. You can easily get or soak the reputation with the help of special “random meetings” in which we save hostages or kick street mums.

At the end, the game completely flies from the coils: they give us an unlimited supply of energy and bring them out to meet several giant bosses in a row at once. At this moment, the player feels like a real demigod – and the purchase of Infamous 2 seems almost the best solution to the last weeks. The trouble is that this bapto is preceded by several hours of all the same fixed gameplay, which annoyed in the original game. There are many new types of secondary missions, but they begin to repeat quickly. Large monsters initially make you think, choosing a strategy of struggle, but soon the battles with them begin to happen four times in an hour and become a routine.

Well, those who designed a set of abilities did not bother to see the meaning of the word “balance” in the dictionary: the forces of a positive and negative hero seem to be symmetrical relative to each other, but in fact use, for example, a “ice” way quick movement is much more convenient and more economical than "fiery". And the mentioned power outlet, which, in theory, is called to make both tricks unnecessary, is simply inconveniently made. To use it, it is imperative to press the aiming button, which, in turn, activates the mode of use of special capabilities and changes the layout of the gamepad. Simply put, it is very easy to forget and instead of jumping into the wall an electric wave.

The battery sat down

Obviously, SUCKER PUNCH plan to compensate for the lack of fantasy by fans by the forces of fans, offering them to create their own types of missions, which will then be loaded with other players. But here everything is not easy. Firstly, the best tasks today are made by the forces of the employees themselves-there is a peculiar version of the Arcanoid and a number of other mini-games that are used to see in infamous. Glorious, but all this does not really fit into the definition of "user content". Well, secondly, such missions do not advance the hero in any way in the plot (and therefore do not bring new abilities-the main joy in infamousus), bring little experience to the offensive and, of course, do not cancel the need to get involved in the repeated ones over and over again Batal scenes that slip in built -in secondary tasks.

[[Bullet]] Parkur in the game looks much less natural than in Assassin’s Creed. This time, Cole, it seems, is especially “sticking” to the surfaces nearby nearby.

Other old problems are also on the spot. Physics, despite the possibility of destroying balconies and tanks, is still working selectively, slipping the player with indestructible barrels and granite tables with chairs. The townspeople still behave like a flock of randomly running chicken with severed heads, and the artificial intelligence of the opponents is only right to call artificial idiocy. It is enough that the enemies do not hesitate to shoot at the hero point blank from RPG.

SUCKER PUNCH obviously expected that their game would be held at least twice and stuck in it for a long time-to see all of super-acceptors and plenty to play in user missions. However, thanks to the old sores, the sequel was enough, at best, for one call, after which he would like to abandon him once and for all. This is still a fairly strong result – in the end, eight out of ten games out of the current games I want to forget as a terrible dream, not reaching the middle.

Nevertheless, this is not enough: Infamous 2 I really want to process a file or, by editorial habit, return back the authors with an angry demand to immediately bring everything to mind. The game still looks very good (there are still no direct competitors: fresh Prototype 2 already looks paler now), but for the third time to endure such stupid mistakes will already be decisively impossible. However, the tricel can easily not take place – in both versions of the finals in the history of the game, a fat point is set. And it’s a pity – we would love to give infamous and the third chance. Because if not she, then only Batman, but one thing is clearly not to cope.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



The same infamous as two years ago; with a new plot and super -sizes, as well as old shortcomings. In 2009, all this looked fascinating, today it is still good, but nothing more.

Mania rating: 7.5


Boys on the run

It is known that before becoming a role model of any electrician, Cole McGratus worked as a bicycle courier. Needless to say, his career was dizzying. But McGrath is not the only courier who managed to succeed. In confirmation of this "gambling" publishes the top list of famous representatives of this profession.

5th place

Name: Tom Cruise

Service life by courier: Not reported

What is famous: Twelve -year -old Tom Cruise, the son of an engineer and actress, was forced to earn extra money with a courier after the divorce of his parents to provide his mother and two older sisters. Subsequently, he made his career in Hollywood. The actor from him is quite average, therefore, in our opinion, in childhood he should have thought about his career in the newspaper business. It is possible that, quoting the poet Sasha Cherny, “he, working as a cashier in a quiet bathhouse, brought much more benefit to everyone” (photo @ mtv life).

4th place

Name: Barney Flegerti

Service life by courier: From September 4, 1833

What is famous: The first of the alien boys mentioned in the history, began his career in the newspaper New York Sun. Further fate is not specified. The date of his first working day today is celebrated in the United States as a national day of newspapers. (Unfortunately, the image of Barney has not reached our days, so instead of illustration, a random picture of his colleagues from the 20th century is used).

3rd place

Name: Fiddipid

Service life by courier: 490 BC.e.

What is famous: According to legend, Fiddipid ran without stopping 34.5 kilometers to notify the inhabitants of Athens about the victory of the Greek army under the marathon. Having delivered, he died on the spot. According to the historical version, Fiddipid was sent for reinforcements in Sparta and overcame more than two hundred -kilometer distances in two days, but still late.

2nd place

Name: Ted Ingrem

Service life by courier: From 1942 to the present

What is famous: It is reported that Ted Ingrem is the oldest breaker of newspapers from now living. Starting a career in the era of World War II, today the 91-year-old Ted is still working for the good of his native village in the county of Dorset, Great Britain-except that because of the operation on the thigh he moved from a bicycle to the car. During his service he delivered more than half a million newspapers.

1st place

Name: Philip Jay Fry

Service life by courier: From the 1990s to an unknown time

What is famous: Fry from the Futurama series worked as a pizza as a pizza, until he accidentally fell into a cryogenic camera in which he lay a thousand years, after which he remained to work in his former position. To date, Ted Ingrem, maybe the most long -living courier, but after 990 years, when Fry, presumably thaws, the palm of the championship is guaranteed to go to him.

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