Dota 2 Star Championship. Flying chicken and unexpected denouement

Dota 2 Star Championship. Flying chicken and unexpected denouement

The end of the last week was marked not only by the long-awaited Grand Final World Cyber ​​Games , but also the tournament in Dota II. And because of this last fans of e-sports and pricked up their ears. The best European groups gathered in Kiev Cybersport Arena – they were beckoning them quite worthy of twenty thousand dollars of a total prize pool.

Dota 2 Star Championship Visited by Germans Mousesports , Hungarians Lick the Click And the French Team Shakira. The strongest team of Europe, Natus Vincere , again and again spoke in the usual role of the main favorite. This time, Russians from the back of her head The Retry , New composition Moscow Five and Ukrainian five Esahara. Of course, it was impossible to discard from the accounts and experienced Frenchmen.

The organizers wished for the tournament to be held according to the following scheme: two group stages, and after – the game of elimination (Single Elimination Best of Three). Sixteen participating teams packaged four baskets and held a draw.

In group A ( Natus Vincere , The Retry , FOS Style , 3D ) everything was simple like a rake. Na’vi easily ahead of all rivals, and the Retry came running in their wake. Group B ( Team Shakira , Esahara , GZ , PD ) Ukrainians also won – at home, see, and the walls help. Electronicsahara was ahead of the French to one corps, and they came out of the second place.

Group C represented only three teams ( Lick The Click , PowerRanges , STF ). STF played the worst of all and flew out of the tournament. A serious struggle did not work out in D ( Mousesports , M5 , IV’an , Jamais vu ). The team of Yaroslav Kuznetsov (NS) won its place, although the final championship lost to the Germans.

In a word, on the first day the weakest ones were extinct, but the intrigue was preserved.

Many strong European teams have flown to the good prize Dota 2 Star Championship.

The second group stage was played the next day, and here everything promised to be already much more interesting. Lick The Click, Mousesports, Team Shakira and The Retry fell into the first group. As this often happens, three teams scored an equal number of points – six each, and only the Hungarians did not claim to exit, blowing all their matches. In a parallel group (Esahara, Moscow, Na’vi, PowerRans) “Belarusian Rangers”, following the example of the Hungarians, lost to everyone who could only. The winners of the groups went directly to the semifinals, and the rest of the teams had to play quarterfinals.

The quarterfinal stage was overcome by the Russian-Ukrainian hodgepodge The Retry and Na’vi. They did not meet serious resistance and unanimously defeated Esahara and Team Shakira, respectively – with a score of 2: 0. The French manager was boiling like a kettle, because of a limp defeat of his wards. Although, probably, not only because of this. He looks terribly like a hero of Zeus, and the malicious participants did not miss the case.

The first semi -final brought the Russian teams M5 and The Retry. The confrontation was given by the fact that Captain TR, Vladimir Anosov (PGG), until recently, headed M5.

French Team Shakira, not even in four, the tournament frankly failed.

In the first game, M5 chose Doom, Enigma, Tide, Venge and Lich, and PGG preferred Omni, Veno, Rhasta, Wr and Viper. Thanks to Sergey Bragin, who was poured by Triple Kill ours to the right and left, by the twentieth minute the TR lagged behind the already catastrophically – 15: 2. Really "Unstoppable"! M5 again demolished the other opponent’s tower and confidently went to the victory in the first match.

By the thirtieth minute, the patient was already dead than alive: TR lost the barracks and the third tower on the lower line, and the murder account was 31: 6 in favor of the “Moscow Five”. There was no sense to resist. The Retry, recognizing the defeat, wrote “GGWP” (“Good Game, Well Played”).

Before the start of the second game, TR staged a long military council, and it was clearly not barren. Although the team was inferior to almost the entire second match, but in the end, surprisingly, she equalized the score.

The name of the first finalist was to determine the third game. M5 “Piking” Broodmother, SK, Wind Runner, WD and ES, and The Retry – Tide, Enigma, Slardar, Mirana and Dazzle. FIRST BLOOD of the decisive match was made in TEAD, and Enigma soon died for the company. But, having received some advantage at an early stage, M5 failed to dispose of them correctly, and the game was little by leaving. By the thirty -third minute, the score was only 12: 8 in favor of the Moscow Five.

Everyone decided to fight near Roshan, where TR managed to exchange profitably (Mirana made Ultrakill). The wards of Vladimir Anosov developed their success and at the fifty -third minute killed all enemy heroes on the lower line. The protective line M5 was destroyed. Great "fluff" from The Retry – and now they are the first finalists of the tournament.

The second semifinals – Natus Vincere against Mousesports – turned out to be less colorful. The Germans blew up in two matches in the trash and went to tear their teeth third place. But Moscow Five's teeth were sharper, and bronze left them.

Natus Vincere is a silver medalist of the tournament and, perhaps, the best team of Europe in the outgoing 2011.

The appearance of TR in the final for many was a surprise. That is why Natus Vincere prophesied a slight victory in the class. ESWC 2011 champions, according to most viewers, "just could not lose".

But the first match forced Na’vi fans to twist. The Russians took the initiative in their own hands and won with a score of 15: 6 at the twenty -fifth minute. After twelve minutes, they already completely controlled the card (18: 9 in their favor). To win, only a good final “fur” was required, and he was not long in coming – PGG and his team, having killed all the heroes of the opponent in Middle, opened a general score of 1-0.

Further Na’vi “banned” Lich, Mirana, Enigma and Vengeful Spirit. And PGG forbade champions ESWC 2011 to take CHEN, Furion, Sand King and Slardar. This time the game was dictated by Na’vi – they dominated on all fronts. The Russians fought back up to the thirty -second minute, but, having lost the lower line, and with it “Vivera” and “Balanara”, they were forced to surrender. And the score was 1: 1.

And again, everything was decided by the third match. It began with a mini-scandal-a player of the “Born to Win” Danil Ishutin (Dendi) inadvertently bought a recipe for a flying chicken instead of a regular. Na’vi immediately left the game and asked to make Remake. The main judge of the V1lat’s tournament did not like their finters with their ears, and he called it a lead.

The decisive final game between Natus Vincere and The Retry. It’s not long to wait for the sensation.

When the battle still began, the chief judge of the tournament forced Na’vi deliberately repeat Dendi's mistake in the last game. The guys arrived, showed the real “Fair Play”. By the third minute, because of this or anything else, they were already inferior to 5: 1.

By the ninth minute, TR had an advantage in nine murders, and the score was 12: 3. A successfully chosen strategy and skillful use of Zeus and did not leave Na’VI a single chance. After a couple of minutes, The Retry demolished all enemy barracks. Ukrainians could not resist the megacripes, and The Retry became the Dota 2 Star Championship champions. That's truly the picture "did not wait"!

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